
28日 12月 2015
2015年の商品発送最終日のご案内をさせていただきます。 年末年始に特別に美味しいお酒の肴、ご飯のお供をお探しの方、天たつでは本日12月28日まで年内お届けのご注文をお受けしております。 最終発送日は明日12月29日となります。 よろしければ天たつホームページご覧いただけたらと思います。...
23日 12月 2015
ただいま2015年の年末に向けて増えてまいりました天たつオススメご自宅用のお酒の肴のご注文の中で、現在注文が集中しています人気商品と、その商品の最終ご注文可能日のご案内をさせていただきます。 年末のお酒の肴のご予定はお早めにどうぞ。 【天たつ】汐雲丹・新物コノワタ・昆布〆 お酒の肴人気3品 最終ご注文日のご案内 1...
22日 12月 2015
酒肴九品膳は天たつお勧めのお酒の肴を9種類詰め合わせた御節膳です。 一つ一つの珍味が少量づつ詰め合わせてあるため、2,3人でお酒を飲まれる際にちょうど食べきれるくらいの量となっております。...
21日 12月 2015
From 200 years ago we caught sea urchins at Fukui seaside.Our company Tentatsu sold Shiouni made by sea urchin.
Shiouni was eaten by the Royal family and aristocrats. Our company “Tentatsu” was established in 1804, the first year of Bunka, and it was an exclusive merchant of products here in Echizen, Fukui. The 3rd generation owner of our company, Gohei Amano, obeyed an order from the feudal load of Fukui, Haruyoshi Matsudaira to produce a preserved food using sea urchins that could be carried by soldiers during the war. Then Gohei discovered the process of preserving the sea urchins with salt using...
20日 12月 2015
Hoshiuni is called delicacy of vision because it was not produced 60 years ago.To make Hoshiuni, we boil sea urchin in salt water and let them dry.
Hoshiuni is a delicacy made by sea urchin that was eaten by fisherman in Fukui Japan for over 100 years. At that time Hoshiuni was made by boiling sea urchins straight from the sea and letting them dry in the sun. The fisherman loved enjoying them with Japanese sake. Roughly 80 years ago while Japan was at war, luxury item were banned. Being that Hoshiuni is a delicacy, the Japanese police enforced the bon on luxury items and it was not allowed to be made. Hoshiuni is called delicacy of vision...
19日 12月 2015
天たつでは今冬(2015冬)福井市にあります酒_伊藤酒造辛口純米吟醸酒_をご紹介させていただいております。 すっきりとした辛口のお酒で米の甘みもあり、香りも良く、でも強調しすぎない。 少し冷やして、またはぬるめの燗で新物コノワタと合わせるとまた美味なんです。 天たつでは夏冬毎に福井の地酒を一品選んでお勧めさせていただいております。...
12日 12月 2015
本日は新物コノワタ入荷、そして発送開始のご案内です! 天たつの新物のこのわたは本当に香りよく、旨味濃厚、食感もプリプリとして大変美味 お酒と合わせると、もう最高です(^^*) 海鼠腸(このわた)はナマコの腸を塩漬けにし熟成させた食べ物で、日本三大珍味の一つと言われるほど旨味の濃い食べ物です。...
11日 12月 2015
Kanimiso Kanzume is made from boiling the remains of snow crabs with a touch of sweet seasoning. It is great for yourself or as a souvenir for anyone who enjoys drinking Japanese sake or wine.
Our company Tentatsu has another enjoyable food by the name of _Kanimiso Kanzume_ . It is made from boiling the remains of snow crabs with a touch of sweet seasoning. Once mixed with the delicious seasoning, it is boiled at both a high temperature and pressure to seal in the flavor before it is canned. At the reasonable price of 550 Japanese yen per 60 gram package, Kanimiso Kanzume is great for yourself or as a souvenir for anyone who enjoys drinking Japanese sake or wine. It also has over a 1...
10日 12月 2015
 Osashimi of squid sprinkle Unishio. Osashimi is Japanese food to eating raw. Also paired with pasta or tempura is an excellent use of Unishio.
Unishio is made from the extract of sea urchins obtain from making Shiouni. Shiouni is considered one of the top three delicacies in Japan. Our company “Tentatsu” was established in 1804, the first year of Bunka, and it was an exclusive merchant of products here in Echizen, Fukui. The 3rd generation owner of our company, Gohei Amano, obeyed an order from the feudal load of Fukui, Haruyoshi Matsudaira to produce a preserved food using sea urchins that could be carried by soldiers during the...
07日 12月 2015
天たつが200年前、江戸時代より大切に守り伝えてきました日本三珍味の一、越前仕立て汐雲丹(しおうに)。 福井藩主松平家より徳川将軍家、他藩大名家への贈り物として使われていた汐雲丹をぜひ大切な方への贈り物にお使いいただけたらと思います。...
